Θέσεις εργασίας για γιατρούς σε δημόσιο νοσοκομείο της Ουαλιας

HywelDda Health Board

A National Health Service Trust


HywelDda Health Board provide primary, secondary, community, mental health and learning disability healthcare the whole of mid and south west Wales. The population is around 372,320 people across the three counties.  Management of four acute hospitals, Withybush General Hospital, West Wales General Hospital, Bronglais General Hospital and Prince Philip Hospital.


Reasonable property prices and excellent state schools contribute to low living costs and a high quality of life in the area  There are also good road and rail connections to Cardiff and London.


The trust is seeking applications for suitably qualified Doctors for the following positions:


4 x Consultant Radiology (Full Time)

1 x Consultant Care of the Elderly (Full Time)

Salary Scale: €90,749€118,112


4 x Middle Grade Paediatrics (Full Time)

Salary Scale: €46,375 – €86,481


4 x Specialty Doctor Anesthetics (Full Time)

Salary Scale: €46,375 – €86,481


4 x Clinical Fellow Emergency Medicine (Full Time)

Salary Scale: €37427 – €49,516


The Trust will be holding Recruitment Interviews in either Spain or Portugal on the following dates: 11th October to 13th October for Overseas Doctors and also UK Interviews for Doctors already working in the UK.

To find out more about the opportunities available and to apply for consideration, please email your CV in English, Word Format, titled“Doctor for the UK to:  eleana.tiropoli@bestpersonnel.ie



HywelDda Health Board

A National Health Service Trust

Θέσεις εργασίας για γιατρούς σε δημόσιο νοσοκομείο της Ουαλιας

Hywel Dda Health Board,Δημόσιο νοσοκομειο της Ουαλίας έχει άμεσες θέσεις εργασίας.Τα συμβόλαια που προσφέρονται για τις θέσεις αυτές είναι αορίστου χρόνου . Ζητούνται οι κάτωθι ειδικότητες:

4 x Consultant Radiology (Full Time)

1 x Consultant Care of the Elderly (Full Time)

Salary Scale: €90,749€118,112


4 x Middle Grade Paediatrics (Full Time)

Salary Scale: €46,375 – €86,481


4 x Specialty Doctor Anesthetics (Full Time)

Salary Scale: €46,375 – €86,481


4 x Clinical Fellow Emergency Medicine (Full Time)

Salary Scale: €37427 – €49,516



Οι πρώτες φάσεις των συνεντεύξεων για τις θέσεις αυτές γίνονται μέσω Skypeεως 5 Οκτομβρίου

Οι ενδιφερομένοι  μπορούν να στείλουν το βιογραφικό γραμμένο στα Αγγλικά ή στα Ελληνικά.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες/ υποβολή αίτησης οι ενδιαφερόμενοι παρακαλώ να επικοινωνήσουν στο:

Best Personnel LTD: ΤυροπώληΕλεάνα

Εmail: eleana.tiropoli@bestpersonnel.ie or medical@bestpersonnel.ie

Τηλέφωνο: 003531-2144543

Website: http://bestpersonnelpt.webs.com